
The current Conductome platform is based on a Bayesian classifier approach that calculates the conditional posterior probabilities P(C(t) | X(t’)), for classes of interest (C) given a set of predictors X(t’) = ( X1(t’), X2(t’),…, XN(t’)).

Examples of classes of interest:

Examples of predictors for the classes:

The variables can be divided into those that refer to state (e.g. perceived stress) and conduct (e.g. eating healthy).

All data types and variables, Xi, can be converted into binomial variables by a suitable discretisation (“coarse graining”).

The classifiers P(C(t)|X(t’)) can be interpreted as describing the “niche” of a class of interest, where the variable configuration, X, describes the niche of C in the case where P(C|X) > P(C) and “anti-niche” on the contrary, where P(C|X) < P(C). To read more about theoretical framework go to Theoretical Framework.

A set of X variables can represent a spectrum of factors.


Conditional probability, score, and epsilon are calculated for each variable given a specific answer, for example, the probability that a person performs at least 2h 30 minutes of exercise given that he/she currently considers his/her physical condition “good” (i.e., the person answered ”Good” to the item “How do you evaluate your current physical condition?”).

By adding the scores for each variable, a total score is obtained for each person to predict their probability of exercising at least 2 hours and 30 minutes per week.